Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So, I'll have to admit to some erratic eating--not huge quantities, but questionable choices. You'll see...I did get up early and go for my walk and I'm trying to get myself back on a good schedule by going to bed and getting up earlier.

Breakfast: 1/2 c. oatmeal, 2 T dried cranberries, 1 T. sunflower seeds, 1/2 c. milk
Lunch: 1 nectarine, 1 c. kefir, 1/2 c. berries, 1 english muffin with jam
Snack: 1 cupcake
Dinner: 4 squares of pizza, 2 chocolate-almond clusters, 1 slice apple pie

Need to up the veges and limit the sweets!

Today's reason to lose weight: I want to continue to see my body emerging!

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