Monday, June 22, 2009

Daily Self Care...

Well, so far towards this goal I have taken chipped nail polish off of my toes and remembered to wear body fragrance. Truthfully, this goal will take plenty of thought on my part. These are not the things that come naturally to me and I have the hardest time taking the time for the simplest things. Sometimes I just feel like I really need to get going on my work. Other times things just don't occur to me. I'm not sure what I'll do today--I should start a master list of sorts. Things I could do to help accomplish something here--pedicure, shave my legs, facial, haircut, an hour at the beach....Anyone have some other ideas? I'm thinking of things that generally don't take very long that I just don't seem to get to...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Here are a couple that are not too time consuming:

*pluck eyebrows (and any other unwanted facial hair)
*lotion up after a shower
*drink a glass of water
*get rid of that piece of clothing that you keep holding on to, but you never really feel good in