Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Ugh...I think I am getting sick, too. Mark and the kids have all been sick this weekend and now I feel like I may be coming down with it too. I think that I'd like to ignore it and have it go away, but I don't think that's happening. Well, yesterday's eating...

Breakfast: 2 whole wheat pancakes
Snack: 2 mandarine oranges
Lunch: 1 1/2 c. curried vegetable bisque, 14 tortilla chips
Snack: 2 c. caramel corn, 7 slices dried mango
Dinner: 1 c. pasta with sauce, 1 sausage, 1 c. fresh broccoli and carrots, dip
Snack: 1/3 c. ice cream

Today's reason to lose weight: I want to sew some new shirts for myself for spring!

1 comment:

Chris said...

There's something about the weather this year that zapps my motivation, I just want to hibernate. If it's not raining on Friday, do you want to take a short walk together?