Friday, June 1, 2007


A gentle walk today as I am feeling pretty under the weather. I hope I don't get it as badly as Mark!

Breakfast: 1 bagel, 6 strawberries, 1 cookie
Lunch: 8 crackers, cheese
Snack: 1 banana, 3 pieces dried mango, 1/2 c. yogurt, 1/3 c. granola
Dinner: 6 pieces polenta squares, 1 hot toddy, 3 pieces bruschetta, 1 cookie, 1 pot-de-creme, 1 mojito, 1/2c. pasta vege salad. (we were doing happy hour, gallery hopping, dessert at the Prince's)

Today's reason to lose weight: I looked in a full length mirror and was reminded that I have made lots of progress and hope to continue.

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