Monday, January 21, 2008

My not-so-secret temptation...

So, I've been struggling with the afternoon munchies. Today I kept them in check fairly well, finally! I'm not sure why I've been struggling so much, but I guess I just need to keep on.

Here's today's stats:

Breakfast: 2/3 c. yogurt, 1 mini bagel, 1/2 pear
Snack: 1 skinny latte, 1 tangerine
Lunch: 1 C. parsnip soup, 1 piece bread, large green salad, 8 olives
Snack: 1 cookie, 3 c. popcorn. 1 c. applesauce
Dinner: 2 slices pizza, 1 slice bread, tangerine

A wee bit heavy on the carbs, but much better than the last few days.

Today's reason to lose weight: I am worth it!

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