Monday, October 15, 2007

Renewing my efforts...

Hello, friends. I haven't been here in a while. I think that I needed a break. I took one, anyway. For a wile I was feeling bad about that--not losing any weight for a couple of months. However, I think it is significant progress not to have gained and to have continued my exercising. That said, I am truly not content to stay here and not to lose anymore. So, beginning tomorrow, it is back to writing down my eating, preparing healthful food and walking consistently. I can feel proud that I have lost 60 pounds and encouraged that there are only 45 left to go. To me, that's a whole different category of overweight from where I started. I'll start by just trying to focus on getting down to 190. That's not very far and should be very doable. The boys are at Nature Awareness tomorrow, so I'll spend some time either shopping for or preparing some good food to have on hand. If anyone has any good, healthy recipes that go with the chill in the air, please share! Thanks for reading, if you still are.

Today's reason to lose weight: I have come so far and I would like to contiue on this journey rather than going back!


Chris said...

I'm so glad to see you posting again!

aurora bender said...

me too. i am glad to hear that you are continuing along. things are good up here.