Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday night

So, I missed yesterday. We went to the Makers Faire and I came home with a migraine, so did not blog. The fair was fabulous--full of technology and craft do-it-yourselfers. I hope to return next year!

Today was full--I walked to the top of Bernal Hill and down. I'd have to say it was much easier than it used to be. It's encouraging to see some results as I haven't felt very "on task" with the weight loss lately. I need to slow down and carve out some time to take care of myself this week. I think that would be really helpful to me....

Breakfast: 2 pieces raspberry bread
Lunch: 8 cherries, 1 c. fruit salad, 14 chips and guacamole, 4 crackers with goat cheese, 4 pita chips and hummus, 1 cupcake, black beans and cheese
Dinner: 4 squares pizza, cucumbers and carrots.

Today's reason to lose weight: I feel like attending to this issue results in discipline and focus in the rest of my life.

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