Friday, May 18, 2007


So, I am very tired, but attempting to keep this up, so I'll be quick tonight. I got my walk in and did some paddle boating today (more of a workout than I remembered).

Breakfast: 1 c. cheerios, milk, 1/2 c. OJ
Lunch(G.S. potluck): 4 asparagus stalks, 1/2 c. pasta, 1 cookie, 8 mushrooms, guacamole, 8 tortilla chips ,1 quadratini, 1/2 bun stuffed with cabbage
Snack: granola bar, tea, 1 slice raspberry bread
Dinner (art show): 2 chicken croquettes, 2/3 c. trail mix, 8 crackers with cheese, 1 quiche square (1 1/2") 1 falafel

Today's reason to lose weight: I really like my new body and want to continue to make progress.

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