Saturday, February 3, 2007

BiRite Creamery!

So, we stopped by BiRite Creamery today! It was a stop worthy of my weekend splurge! Mark and I split a single scoop of Lavendar Honey ice cream--it has got to be the best ice cream I have ever had. The kids were in awe and my sweet tooth was completely satisfied!

Breakfast: 1 pancake, 1/2 banana, 1 egg
Lunch: 1/2 c. grain salad. 1 tangerine, 8 carrots, 1/4 c. hummus
Snack: 1 scoop lavendar honey ice cream : )
Dinner: 1/2 c. pesto salad, 5 spears asparagus, 4 mini samosas, 3 apple slices, 3 bruschetta with tomato and cheese, tomato, 1 small mozarella ball, small handful cashews, 2 cheese puff things

Dinner was at a birthday party/dance with lots of food. I think I did pretty well with it. Lots of little finger foods and hard to keep track of them all, but I positioned myself away from the table and tried to stay away much of the time. Skipped birthday cake with the memory of the lavendar honey ice cream. So, not perfect diet-wise by any means, but I think I did really great considering my old patterns and all the temptations available.

Oh, today was my day off my walk. Walking will resume tomorrow morning.

Today's reason to lose weight: I really enjoyed my treat today. It was very premeditated and I feel like I earned it. I savored it and probably enjoyed that ice cream more than when I have indulged myself regularily.

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