Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our first Bat Mitzvah

Today we spent most of the day at Hailey's friend's Bat Mitvah. It was a beautiful rite of passage. The girl led the entire Shabbat service, complete with singing in Hebrew. The service lasted two hours and Sara pretty much led the whole thing. It was followed by a lunch, then a break in the afternoon, and then an amazing dinner and dance party. It was so much fun! The family had hired people to lead and teach dancing, so even Mark and I got in on some Jewish folk dance. I am usually pretty reticent to dance, but I have to admit that it was a blast! That said, I gave myself alot of leeway with food today. The occasion seemed to warrant it. So, though I tried not to overdo portions, I decided not to adhere too strictly to my plan today. It was also my day off of my walk.

Breakfast: 1/2 english muffin, 1 egg
Lunch: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, 1 c. grapes, hummus, 1/2 pita, tabbouleh, tomato, cucumber, 2 pieces baclava (amazing!), chocolate lace cookie, 2 chocolates
Dinner: 1/2 c. mashed potato, large amount of salad (2 c?), sauted mushrooms (1 c?) 1 slice prime rib roast, 1 c. artichoke soup, 1 whole wheat roll, 1 juice squeeze
Dessert: 1 piece of cake

Tomorrow will be back to the regular plan. But though I could've had less sweets at lunch, overall I'm okay with the day's food as long as it was just a day. What a celebration! Makes me wish we had some similar tradition....

Today's reason to lose weight: I think I like folk dancing. I feel better moving when I am taking care of myself.

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