Sunday, February 4, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday!

We attended two potlucks today--one for a Super Bowl party and one for Seven. I felt great about my eating in both situations. No real indiscretions. Just an intentional 1/2 piece of cake! I'm learning little by little.

Oh, and what a walk today! I had to get Hailey from the Stamats' and so I walked up to Noe Valley and all the way up to the top of Castro Street and then up their impressive flight of stairs (80 some, I think).

Breakfast: 1/2 c. oatmeal, 1 orange
Lunch: 5 small meatballs, 1/4 c. bean dip, 10 chips, carrots, cucumbers, dip, pears, 1/2 piece of chocolate/peanut butter cake.
Dinner: 1/2 c. sticky coconut rice with mangos, spinach pasta salad with tomatoes (I tried to pick out mostly spinach with just a little pasta), 1 oz. cheese

Today's reason to lose weight: Today, I got rid of some clothes that are now too large and/or frumpy and found some "new" clothes that now look good on me in my closet!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh....I think that walking up the Stamats' steps is exercise enough for a week by itself. Of course I hate walking hills. I'd much rather walk miles of flat ground.