Monday, February 12, 2007

Six Weeks

Six weeks...that's a long time! I have walked every day for about an hour and I have logged my eating and I have had relatively few days when I have exceeded what I ought to be eating! Overall, doing good. I am feeling like I am back on course and ready to go again.

However, the indiscretions of the past week had a price. Today I weigh in the same as last week: 214. I'll try for a loss next Monday....

I spent some time cooking this afternoon and really enjoyed it. I made Morrocan Roasted Vegetables from one of my Moosewood cookbooks for dinner, made a lentil soup to send with the kids in their lunches tomorrow and to eat myself, made a brown cranberry bread with fresh cranberries, roasted some raw peanuts for the kids to have in their lunch. After dinner Hailey requested that I take the leftover rice and make rice pudding for tomorrow's breakfast. I'm not sure if it's really breakfast food as much as dessert, but hey--it's got brown rice and milk, right? Anyway, I sat down this evening feeling satisfied with my labors!

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/2 c. homefries, 5 pieces dried mango
Lunch: salad with pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries, garlic vinaigrette, 12 rice crackers, 1 oz. brie, 3 pieces dried mango
Snack: 1 c. grapes
Dinner: 1/2 c. brown rice, 1 c. morrocan roasted vegetables
Snack: 1 slice brown cranberry bread

Today's reason to lose weight: I want to be disciplined in caring for myself.

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