Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rainy, rainy day!

Sleepy day around here today! Aaaah.....

Breakfast: 1/2 c. yogurt, 1/3 c. granola, 1 egg with mushrooms and greens
Lunch: 1 c. rice, 1 c. cashew chicken
Dinner: Large salad with mushrooms, goat cheese and figs, dried mango, banana
Ryan's birthday party: 2 choc chip cookies, 4 crackers, cheese, small bit of wine

Nice restful day. Did pretty well at Ryan's party. Indulged in a couple cookies, but it could have been so much worse. Tomorrow morning I hope to do some menu planning.

Today's reason to lose weight: I want to simplify my life and only have that which gives me pleasure or that I need. The extra weight is just that--extra.

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