Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A nice quiet Tuesday!

The day felt very indulgent to me. I did not have to drive for Nature Studies carpool this morning, so by the time I would usually get home, I had cleaned up the kitchen, taken my walk, hung clothes on the line and gone to the post office! That left time to work on my Artist's Way assignment and take care of some errands and get my hair cut (much needed!)

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/4 bagel, 1 blood orange
Lunch: 3/4 c. lentil soup, 1/4 bagel
Snack: 1/4 pita, vegeburger, grapes
Dinner: 1 slice bread, 1 slice cheese, 1/2 c. pasta with chicken, fresh broccoli & carrots, dill carrots, 1 drumstick fried chicken, 1/15th of a berry pie.

Today's reason to lose weight: Here's a quote from the Artist's Way: "Treating myself like a precious object will make me strong."

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