Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Feeling the push...

Breakfast: 1 crumpet, 1/2 c. yogurt, 1/2 grapefruit
Lunch: large green salad with chicken and veges, 7 wheat crackers,
Snack: 1/3 c. granola, milk, banana, 1 sq. chocolate
Snack 2: apple, mini scone
Dinner: 2c. vege pasta soup, choc chip cookie

I am really feeling the push today. I went out by myself this afternoon and really wanted candy bars and spice drops at every turn. I resisted. I think this is one of the first times I just really wanted to eat junk. Tonight at the Artist's Way meeting, Lora Burnett brought homemade cookies. Not sure if eating one was giving in, or justifiable reward after spending all afternoon resisting candy (even the Reeses peanut butter cup so conveniently stowed in the glove compartment). Overall, though, a successful day, given my inclinations.

I'm also not feeling so well. But this is an easy week with less on the schedule, so I will try to take care, and if nothing else, I will do the things I need to for my health.

I did a mild walk today (45 minutes or so).

Today's reason to lose weight: I want to eat because my body needs it and let my emotional needs be met in more constructive ways.

1 comment:

pamela prince said...

Amen, sistah! On the "constructive" comment. I hear that--the last few days I've wanted to indulge, indulge, indulge!

Keep up the great work and analysis!