Monday, January 8, 2007

I've made one week!

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 slice whole wheat bread, onions, 12 cherries
Lunch: 1 slice whole wheat bread w/jam, 8 carrots, broccoli stems, 1/4 c. hummus, 1 c. corn salad
Snack: 1 banana, 2 c popcorn
Dinner: 1 piece frittata (2 eggs plus lots of veges)

Weigh in today: 224

I also walked one hour and took my vitamins.

So, keeping a food log has brought up the topic of honesty for me. I think that I have learned to be dishonest with myself in this area and perhaps others, too. I am still being surprised by how much I want to eat certain things, how often I want to eat, etc. I guess it makes me think that I was doing alot of eating without really acknowledging that I was. Somehow, this is freeing to me right now.

I had a very encouraging meeting with a friend tonight. I wish I could share all we talked about here, but it's not quite coming out yet. I'm sure it will over the next couple of days as I think on our conversation. I think I need to process it a bit more before I can blog my thoughts....

Today's reason to lose weight: I'd like to reduce my chances of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Awsome! Way to go 3 lbs! You are totally doing this... you're almost at your half way mark one week in. You are inspiring to me!