Saturday, January 13, 2007


Breakfast: 1 whole wheat crepe with lemon, 1 tangerine
Lunch: Frittata, 12 cherries
Snack: Tangerine
Dinner (potluck at Riekes Center): 1 vietnamese salad roll dipped in peanut sauce, broccoli salad, 1/2 c. pasta salad with beans and artichokes, refried bean dip with lettuce, onions, sour cream, etc., 2 small brownies, 2 oz. chicken, 1 crostini with goat cheese and roasted red pepper

So, potlucks are kind of freaky to me. I only had one moderate plate, but of course I could not measure it and it took me a while to remember what was on my plate. I was disciplined to only get one plate, but I did take a brownie that I did not intend to. I'm not sure what a good strategy would be for me at potlucks. I feel overwhelmed by the variety of food, want a bit of everything and then I'm not sure what I should have. I probably did pretty well compared to my track record at potlucks, but it is still an unsettling feeling to me. I feel out of control.

I need to be thinking that I am just going to keep on regardless of how I can evaluate the potluck. Thinking carefully, the extra brownie was probably my only indiscretion.

Today was my day off from my walk.

Today's reason to lose weight: I am off to a great start and will be so disappointed if I do not continue to build on my good start.

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