Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Shopping day

Breakfast: 1 1/2 piece pumpkin bread, cream cheese, 1 tangerine
Tea with Kellie: 1 pumpkin muffin
Lunch: 1 vege burger, 1 banana, 2 slice baguette
Dinner: 1/2 c. whole wheat pasta, 1 sausage, 1/2 pasta sauce, salad with cucumbers, tomatos and garlic vinaigrette
Treat: 1" square peppermint bark

My eating was all screwed up today because I was out and about. It didn't turn out as bad as I expected, but it wasn't as good as it could've been if I had been eating at regular times and at home.

Chris asked in the comments what has contributed most to my success so far. I guess two things: First of all, posting on the blog keeps me focused. Ordinarily I think I let life get busy and I lose focus quickly. Since I know there are people reading this, I feel responsible to post daily, which keeps things on my mind. Second, my hour long walk is becoming very enjoyable. If I wake up in a funk, the walk clears my head and readies me for the day.

I had a nice walk today. Walked through Bernal Heights for a change before having coffee with Kellie. I also stopped at the library to do "morning pages". I am going through the "Artists Way" with a group on Wednesday nights so I'm trying to keep up with that.

Today's reason to lose weight: There are so many interesting things to do besides eat : ).

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