Saturday, March 17, 2007

Aaaah! Saturday....

So, I skipped blogging last night. By the time I came home, I was just exhausted and beside myself. However, I had a very quiet morning today and find myself much refreshed tonight. I have one more day of rest for the most part tomorrow so I should be in good shape for the new week. I took the day off from my walk.

Breakfast: 1 crumpet, 1 egg with onions
Lunch: 3" piece of pastry, taco salad with lettuce, onions, 1/3 c. black beans, 1/4 c. cheese, 10 chips and salad dressing
Snack: 20 gumdrops
Dinner: 3 squares pizza (roughly equivalent to one piece) veges and dip, 10 chips and guacamole, 4 almonds, 2 glasses soda

I know it sounds crazy, but I did better today on eating than the last couple of days. I am really having a difficult time keeping traction right now and eating as I should to keep losing. Here's a couple of things I need to do: Get rested, do some menu planning and be strict with myself again until I get back on track. I don't think I've done any damage, but I'm sure that I'm not making any progress either. Dinner tonight was pretty good, considering that I was at the dance Hailey planned and it was potluck and I didn't graze all night. By the way, I danced and had fun doing it!

Today's reason to lose weight: I would really like to follow through with this goal and know that I can do it!

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